Drummer Quits!

Drummer Quits!


Bloody disaster!  Tim had developed tinnitus, constant ringing in the ears, so the doctor has said that he has screwed his hearing and can’t do anything involving loud noise any more.  So he can’t play in the band any more, can’t do his DJing, can’t go to gigs, loud music etc.  That’s hard, it means he can’t do so many of those things he has always loved.  He can’t even finish the album, which we were in the studio recording with him just at the start of the Summer.  Poor Tim, he was an integral part of the band and leaves us with not just a drummer shaped hole, but we’ve lost someone who was skilled, easy to work with and great company as well.  So the band sends Tim our best wishes.


The problem it leaves us is that we can’t gig or finish the album until we have a new drummer on board and they are up to speed.  I had hoped to get the album finished by about October and play a few gigs, then launch the album in time for a Christmas party.  Not sure this will happen in this timescale now.  But don’t worry because we will get it all done just as soon as we get a drummer.  So if anybody out there is a drummer, or knows of one who wants to join the band then give us a shout.  As long as they are easy going, and enthusiastic, that’s the main thing.


On the writing side, Nina just finished reading my second novel Saffron Walden and has given me a whole load of comments to work on, and I have practically finished the third novel The Harvest.  What with the comments I am getting back from my writers group my first novel Auto Incorrect, I have tons to do!