Richmond Gig

Richmond Gig

It was good to get back to doing a live gig again, after being in the studio recording. The stage at the Richmond is small and both Robert and Steve were crammed into infeasibly small spaces, Rob practically sitting on his keyboard and Steve hidden deep in the recess of an alcove. We were a bit rusty but were pleased to play a ten song set, including the two new breaks in Paper Cuts and Society.  This is more difficult than it sounds, as when you are so used to playing a song in a particular way it is easy to slip back into that.  It only takes one band member to get the timing, rhythm or tune wrong, by playing like we always have and it throws everyone out. The breaks went well and the songs are much improved for them.  Strange set up at the Richmond and it was odd playing after a comedian.  Still the audience were appreciative and some people,got to see us for the first time. We were also able to show off our new t-shirt and sold the first one – I hope it looks good on you Kevin!  It was an open mic evening at the Richmond, and the acts were completely varied in style and competence, not sure we will do another one again, but I’m pleased that we got a bit of live practice in.  At the end of it all, the audience enjoyed it, so a job well done.

Here’s me doing my thing…!