So we are playing at the Albert on Friday 5th July, supporting Too Many Crooks and Dolly Doom. I reckon we’ll be on at about 8.15. Never played the Albert before so this should be very exciting. In fact it’s one of those iconic Brighton venues where I’ve seen load of bands. You know how you stand at gigs thinking it must be great playing up there, but never in your wildest dreams imagining it could be you? Well that’s what I’m feeling like at the prospect of playing at the Albert. Other people do those sort of things; me I’m not one of those people. These people are in proper bands; me I’m in Brighton Strangler, a band I formed with my mates. Other people are proper musicians. None of us had been in a band before, and we had no songs. So it all feels a bit odd, me on the stage at the Albert? You’re kidding me. But it is us, and we’ve got a set worth of material and we’re there because we’re good enough. What’s more the album will be finished soon, then I’ll be sending it off to anyone who cares. Maybe we’ll play a festival next year? In my wildest dreams, but then I’ve played at the Brunswick, the Latest bar and now it’ll be the Albert. Now those were my wildest dreams. And talking of festivals, we’re playing Patchfest on Saturday 13th July, about Hope the weather is good
Gigs Coming Up